Wednesday 5 September 2012

Floyd Arthur’s Three Steps to Insurance Sales

Many people are interested in working within the insurance industry either as an underwriter or more commonly in sales. Floyd Arthur began his insurance career in 1980 and has played a crucial role in both. The following information is based on the findings of Floyd Arthur throughout his long and distinguished career. If you find yourself considering a career in insurance sales, then this is the article for you.

#1 Building a Network

It doesn’t matter whether you are going to sell tires, houses or insurance, building a strong network is crucial. By working with others in related industries, you can increase the exposure to yourself and your brand. Not to mention, everyone needs insurance; who is really outside of your consumer base? The basis behind professional networking is brand exposure. You expose your product or service to 5 people, who then tells 5 people, next thing you know, you’re getting phone calls.

#2 Word Of Mouth

Every customer that you interact with has the potential to influence your entire business. Happy consumers tell one person on average about a great experience, unhappy consumers tell five. You should be able to see how much one unhappy customer could hurt your business. Each time you meet with a potential client, think of them as an advertisement for your business; what would your ad say? This approach will make you a better salesman, and make promoting yourself easier.

#3 Customer Support

A lot of places offer insurance, and most of them are competitive with the prices. The one area where you can truly set yourself apart from the remainder of people is with phenomenal client support. You should have a system in place to field questions 24/7 as well as responding to claims. I know it seems like a lot but; who said greatness could be easily achieved?

To learn even more about Floyd Arthur or the insurance field, check back often for updates to our Hub page.